KissFC is a simple and extremely precise financial calculator. It is so easy to use that even an user without elementary notions of financial arithmetic can, following the profiles of use and examples presented, solve many daily financial problems. But, in spite of its simplicity, it is also very powerful for competent and sophisticated professionals of the financial area. It was marketed as shareware until 2017, but as far January 1st, 1028 is a free app distributed as shareware.
As author, I think that the largest merit of KissFC is to take an easy and simple to operate tool to the great public, capable to help him to navigate in the bloody world of compound interests. The texts of that home page are clear and concise and I suggest the reading of all the pages, so that you may have a general vision of the program. One of the largest evils that affect the passive victims of our banking system is the "financial illiteracy". To bring some knowledge in that area is the main objective of those pages. And "KissFC Financial Calculator" is the necessary tool to well use such knowledge.